Thursday, August 7, 2014

The ugly cow

I'm so disgusting I weight 56kg!!! It's been like years since the last time I was over 52, I just can't believe it happened again. I feel like crap, well I am crap. I hate that I'm always swearing it is the last time and that it is going to get better but it doesnt. I'm over this, today I go back to my old habits, fuck all the diets and useless tips, I'm doing it my own way, I feel it works so much better for me than trying to stick with a diet.

This girl's body is perfection.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What real food looks like

I always say I hate junk food so much, because it so processed and has a ton of calories ,I see it as something nasty that humans invented just to make money and fullfill our sweet tooth. The horrible things is I do eat it, almost never, but when I do it's a nightmare, I eat so much of it and after that I feel like such a hypocrit ( also sick, nasty, fat, and rotten) So I commited myself to eliminate junk food from my life, forever. I know it will be hard, so that's why I'm starting step by step ( maybe I surprise myself and achieve it faster) The only thing that I have to admit I'm not ready to quit frapuccinos, but I hope someday I'm able to, so for now what I'll be doing is getting the lowest calorie frapuccino possible  (Fat free milk, no whip, no sprinkles) After I finish my fast, I'm eating only healthy low calorie food, and only the food I'm 100% sure I need and want.

Fresh start

Tomorrow I'm starting over and nothing will stop me now, I've been binging for 3 days and every noght I've been telling myself that the next day I'll start fasting like 3 days ago. I can't believe I failed soo bad I was doing great it was almost my  third day on water fast, but I made the stupid choice of eating a little breakfast which led to a whole day of eating.
I feel excited for tomorrow but at te same time scared that I can't do it again. I'm making sure that doesn't happen again. 4 days fast, here I come!! (I know it sounds so lame but it's quite a big deal for me) 

Friday, June 20, 2014

I'm a pig

I feel awful, I just ate 10 packets of saltines (each packet has 3 crackers!) and I feel sooo guilty. I guess I'l do everything to skip breakfast and lunch tomorrow and even dinner. Lunch is the hardest out of all since I eat with my parents but tomorrow I'm going to be brave and tell them I ate something bad and it made me feel very sick. And for dinner, I'm going to be out with my friends at a dancing recital of another friend, the bad thing about that is that every time I go out with friends they aleays want to go to a 7 eleven or any shop like those and buy tons of junk food and I never buy food but I have to admit its hard to see them eating, even when I hate junk food, it's so not meant for humans to eat. All the processed foods aren't naturally made for humans, they are ugly pieces of chemicaks put togeter to give a nice taste to the buyer, we should be used to eat only natural and helthy food. Sorry for all the rambling but I had to express a bit, after my nasty binge. Tomorrow will ne a better day, I promise.

Never give up Kitties.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Hi kitties,
Here I leave some of my favorite thinspo pictures. I'm so excited for tonight's yoga session after my spinning class, it makes me feel super relaxed. I totally recommend it if you suffer insomnia, and did you know it also help reducing appetite? I proved it already, it does help!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Tomorrow is the day

Tomorrow I'm starting from cero, and I'm doing everything to achieve my goal weight. For 21 days I'm quiting any type of junk food, restricting to 450 cals per day maximum, and exercise monday thru thursday at least 1 hour per day, that way all of this is going to turn into a habit. I have to go and buy my Jounkins tea that helps having a good digestion. (I'll do a post on this tea soon)

Never give up

Welcome kitties

So.. This is my very first post and I want to introduce myself, I'm 15 years old, my height is 170cm and I weight 49kg. I have an obsession over cats (I think you can tell from the title) I like everythin vintage and original. I like showing people that I don't care what they think of my shoes, clothes, and taste. I have a lot of energy (most of the time)I have no idea how I started being ana, I kind of remember but I just can't point out when it actually started. When I was 12 I just liked eating healthy and exercising but one day I realized that wasn't enough for me to get skinny. This past valentine's day I weighed 55kg and that was the day that I formally decided I wanted this lifestyle. A week later I went to the dermatologist, and for my luck he gave me a diet low in fat and oil ( a perfect excuse to cut on alot of foods) because of my acne, by that time I weighed around 53kg. Two weeks after being on the dermatologist's diet and with the ana lifestyle I was 49kg, and once more the odds were on my favor my mom was leaving on a two months trip to visit my sister in Mexico City, it was a big opportunity for me, because with my mom out of town it was going to be way easier to fool my dad. Three weeks without my mom and I was 47kg, I felt tired and fragile but I was at my lowest weight ever. Everything was perfect, until I left by myself to visit my sister in San Francisco for two weeks. At first I was just fine I even skipped lunch and sometimes dinner and since I was always busy touring around the city I didn't have time to snack. But the second week was the problem I was so distracted that I started eating more than what I had been eating the past two months. My sister didn't have a scale, but I could see my stomach a bit chubbier. When I got home I weighed 50kg. Since that trip I haven't been able to get back to my habits, so I decided to start this blog to motivate myself to continue. 

Never give up     ^  ^
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